Instagram account Ketflix & Pills was hacked past weekend, leading accounts being deleted both on insta and Twitter.
According to Mixmag, hacker took control of the accounts in the early hours of the morning on Saturday, March 3, and proceeded to post pornographic images and attempt to sell account shout outs for $50. Hacker also promoted his personal account and a hacking group he is involved in.
Account ketflixandpillsofficial with 71,000 followers was deleted.
On the new account, Ketflix & Pills wrote: “After being hacked on Friday night, we’re working round the clock to get all our followers back on this account and try our best to restore our old one… on Wednesday, we will begin posting the memes that we all know and love! Until then, any support you guys can give in telling your friends will be much appreciated x LONG LIVE THE SESH”.