Joseph Capriati Revealed The Secret Of Playing 25 Hours Long Set

Joseph Capriati recently played for 25 hours and 30 minutes and beat the unofficial record for longest set among techno djs we love. 

Now, for Mixmag, he revealed his secrets of playing set this long.

Capriati revealed he played a groovy set with  maximum speed I hit was around 127/128 BPM.

He is eating very healthy and that really helped him a lot.

When he was getting tired, somebody gave him a chair for 5/10 minutes every hour and half.

Many people have commented with things like ‘oh can you imagine how much cocaine he took’.

SEE MORE: Carl Cox: If I’d Been Taking Drugs, I’d Be In A Mental Institution Or Dead

But Joseph said cocaine is ‘anti-music’.

‘If you do cocaine, it breaks the feeling and you stop your brain being connected so you can’t play for 25 hours, I think it is impossible. Cocaine is not for music, if you do it, it just stops the feeling with the music and the crowd. I think it’s completely wrong. I read a lot of the comments from people and of course I wanted to see what the response was.’

Also, sugar from the ice cream helped him get the boost for the last hour and a half.

Read his statements in full here.

