Ibiza’s council suspends licenses for Amnesia and Privilege

San Antonio council in Ibiza has temporarily suspended the licenses for two of the island’s most famous clubs: Privilege and Amnesia.

Local officials carried out inspections of the superclubs in late September and found that both had illegally modified their architecture in order to increase capacity, as RA reports. As a result, neither will be allowed to open until the modifications have been corrected. (Both are currently shut for the off-season.) Two fines were also levied at the clubs, one for €650 and another for €54,999.

In Privilege’s case, the inspectors found that certain evacuation routes had been restructured, fire extinguishers were not signalled properly and some small areas, previously undefined, were being used as dance floors. An estimate suggests that the modifications made space for an extra 500 people. At Amnesia, the issues centred on the club’s upper floor, where various substantial expansions had been made without permission.

Via: RA
