DJ Makes £3,000 By Selling Toilet Paper

A man has been criticised for cashing in on Coronavirus panic buying after he made £3,000 in two hours selling toilet paper out of the back of his van.

Lee Marshall set up his stall on a layby with 600 cases of 45 rolls that he has been selling for £15 a pack. He bought them from a wholesaler and says they did not last long, raking in thousands of pounds in profit for him and his two friends. He said: ‘If you want loo roll you’ve got to get out of bed at 4am get yourselves down to Morrisons or Aldi, you’ll be queueing up for about an hour and you might be able to get one if you’re lucky.

Lee’s Loo Rolls Limited is now open.’ The DJ, known as Disco Boy, wanted to do his own version of running a cherry stall by bulk-buying toilet paper and selling it in Whitstable, Kent. He said: ‘A supplier messaged us and said they’ve got loads of toilet roll and can’t sell them because hotels aren’t buying at the moment.

They’re just sitting in a warehouse. He has made £3,000 by selling toilet rolls for £15 a pack  ‘I looked in the supermarket and they were roughly the same price as an Andrex toilet paper anyway – so we’ve sort of made £3-per-pack on them.

‘We kept some back for delivering at night – as we’ve had a lot of people messaging that they can’t reach us. My mate Brett was out until 11.30pm the day before.

