Barcelona Venues Pilot AI-powered Anti-Covid Ventilation System

Venues in Barcelona and parts of the Costa Brava area are set to run pilot tests on a system aiming to prove that opening indoor nightlife under strict health and safety requirements can be done safely. As we had a chance to read recently, Ibiza is planning on allowing open areas this summer.

The COVID elimination devices are approved by the Spanish National Accreditation Entity and are already in use in countries in Asia.

The system will comprise of prior testing, contact track and tracing, the use of an essential and non-transferable QR code using the Liberty Pass APP to gain entry to venues, and the installation of devices that aim to eliminate 100% of the COVID-19 virus and all its mutations from the air and surfaces of indoor spaces.

The formula was devised with the help of biosafety specialists SeiXsein Europe. The important thing is that it is not requiring the social distancing or mask-wearing.

